Shared by Ms. Sahni...
I am so proud of Abigail in my class who raised money for sick kids hospital by making and selling various kinds of slime to her elementary friends at Northstar. With help from her friends and their parents, they were able to make enough slime to raise $350!
Outstanding work, Abby!
(click here to enlarge)
Abigail Krishnasany (LE3) wanted to do something to help people in terrible conditions after the tragedy from the Yonge St van incident. Since she loves slime, she led an amazing slime sale with her friends in LE3 and Ms Sahni's support. Students could order five different kinds of slime - Butter, Glitter, Floam, Fluffy Blue, and Fluffy Pink. Overall they raised over $350 to be donated to Sick Kids Hospital. Thank you to all of the kids (and their parents) for supporting the Slime Sale, and special thanks to Abigail, Danyaal, Maysah, and Laila for also supporting the sale and making slime.