Mississauga Private School - Mississauga Montessori School - Serving Mississauga, Brampton, Oakville and the rest of Peel Halton region

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Northstar Montessori Private School

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    Our Northstar experience

    We have been familiar with the Northstar Montessori school since 2002 now.

    Our first son Kiran has spent his first six years of school at Northstar, joined for the last three by his younger brother Ishan.

    The amount and quality of knowledge the Montessori system can teach their students is truly amazing. With a wide variety of appropriate material and just by instillating the right learning habits and discipline right from the beginning, the children learn to work hard, steadily and independently, and it becomes so natural for them that they are able to achieve very high goals without any pressure but with a lot of interest and motivation! I've been really impressed by the whole Montessori philosophy and would recommend it to anyone.

    Our experience at the Northstar school has been wonderful, and when time came for our third son Arjan to join school, the question did not even arise on where he would go, no matter the distance from our home!

    The premises at Tomken Rd are fantastic, modern and spacious, and the gym would make most other schools jealous. The after school programs and clubs are of a rare variety, and swimming and skating lessons are definitely a plus. And the many social events organised all year round (Winter concert, International Day, etc.) are so much fun and bring a lot of liveliness for everyone.

    Nowhere else can we find such a friendly, respectful and welcoming school environment, for the students and for the parents as well. Everyday I am looking forward to drop Arjan, and it makes me feel so happy that all the teachers, and even the principal, Virginia Ramirez, knows his name. I am also sure I will always find someone to chat with! The school effort to bring parents together is also very appreciated, it really makes us feel as part of the big Northstar family!

    We wish all the best to the Northstar School, with more success every year!

    ...Isabelle and Ushvinder BHATIA

    Great Montessori School in Mississauga

    My niece is in her 3-rd year in Casa now at Northstar Montessori. Her development is dramatically different from kids that I know who go to JK and SK in public school system. She is writing in cursive, starting to read, and adds 2-digit numbers.

    I love the school too. They have great staff, very good after school program. They also moved to a new building this year, which is great too.

    ...From a TorontoParentsGuide.com Parent Reviewer

    Hard to believe they are 1 of only 2 accredited in Mississauga

    I have taken time to see many Montessori and Private schools in my area and nothing tops Northstar Montessori. Those who take their child to daycare haven't done their homework because if they did, they would realize that it is not rigid at all. In fact routines are set for children which eliminates their anxiety. They learn cursive before print and so much more. My child is so confident and I have seen a transformation happen right before my eyes. The staff are great, easy to approach and the school community is phenomenal. One of the biggest things about the school is its impressive curriculum. It can rival any private school and for less tuition. It's a no brainer for us and we have no regrets!!!

    ...From a TorontoParentsGuide.com Parent Reviewer

    We’ve never put my daughter Sabrina in a daycare setting before we enrolled her at Northstar Montessori at age 3 and hence, we had apprehension in bringing her to a new environment. However, after learning their curriculum and being made at ease as to how they were to care for our child, we’re glad that we brought her to Northstar.

    Since entering Northstar, she learned how to read in her early Casa year, her social skills improved dramatically, and she became independent. Our daughter is now in her sixth year at Northstar and we continue to appreciate the nurturing and disciplined environment. From an education perspective, we found the language, reading, and writing curriculum to be the most effective.

    The teachers are approachable and always responsive to questions and concerns. The after school clubs are interesting and our daughter has enjoyed them. We would recommend Northstar as an excellent learning environment, which meets education, social, and physical requirements.

    ...Dodie & Arlene Ballesteros

    Northstar is a school that teaches a good quality education. My daughter, Angelica, has been a student of Northstar since September 2002. I’m proud to say that Northstar has helped Angelica to be a diligent and responsible student. She showed interest in all of the subjects (i.e. Math, Language, Geography, History, Zoology and Botany) that Northstar teaches. She also showed enthusiasm in French, Art, Music, Computers and Physical Education. She developed a good study habit. She does her homework independently. I am really happy that I chose Northstar to be Angelica’s school. To all the parents, if you want your child to have a better education, Northstar is the best school for your child.

    ...Mrs. Rebecca Maps

    I am a past parent and I am so glad my children went to Northstar. They were able to answer all my concerns and questions. They have learned beyond my expectations and you can see the difference when you compare them with public school children. My children are flourishing in their new school and I can't believe how well they have adapted. I wish I could have kept my children in their elementary program because another parent who did has seen a big difference in how much more they truly understand concepts.

    ...From a Google User/Parent Reviewer

    As a parent our experience with Northstar Montessori has been fantastic. Both our boys had an amazing environment to prosper in. Our older son completed Casa, and grade 1-6, and our younger son completed Casa and grade 1-3, they both transitioned into a traditional school environment very well and are doing exceptionally well academically and socially. Their transition from a non testing to testing environment proved to be a non concern for us, they are both doing extremely well in all subjects. Since they have been encouraged to make decisions from an early age, they have become problem-solvers and manage their time very well. I would highly recommend Northstar Montessori, my experience as a parent was amazing. The teachers and the principle truly care about their students and it show in all the extra activities they do for their students.

    ...From a Google User/Parent Reviewer

    My Parent experience with Northstar Montessori has been an amazing journey. My son joined the Casa programme in September 2011. He came from a traditional play-based daycare environment and we were initially extremely concerned if he would be able to adapt to a more regimented schooling system. However from day one he has laid our initial apprehensions to rest and has since blossomed under the guidance of his teachers into a smart, warm and confidential young boy. He surprises me every day with his expressive characterisation of what he learns from school and how much he enjoys his daily activities and interaction with other children. His teachers have been able to skillfully harness his energy (hyper at times!!), interests, and abilities into a productive tutoring environment. I would like to think that he is ahead both academically and socially compared to children in other school environments thanks to the structured and creative environment at Northstar.

    All the staff including the teachers, Vice principal and the Principal are easily approachable and have always been available to discuss my son’s concerns. Northstar gives me a sense of being a part of a big family, who look after and stand up for one another. My only regret is not having started my son in the Northstar programme earlier in Pre-casa!!!!

    ...Deepa Suresh, M.Eng.

    Gabriel Gonsalves - Northstar StudentI like Northstar because when I get into class I feel like I am ready for a good school year. I feel like I am not so young and am able to step up to another day. The teachers are very kind and gentle, and some are also funny and entertaining. I have enjoyed a lot of experiences such as swimming, skating, skiing, camping and trips to the Ontario Science Centre.

    ...Gabriel Gonsalves, Northstar Student


    My son has been in a Montessori environment since he was 2.5 years old, and with Northstar since Grade 1. As all parents, we were anxious about the transition to a new school in Grade 1, but all the teachers and staff were very supportive. Gabriel was able to make the transition very easily, and very quickly became comfortable at Northstar.

    I believe he has benefitted from a Montessori Education, as it has enabled him to explore and learn at his own pace. We are impressed by the range of subjects that the children are exposed to, especially the art, music & French program. The Montessori goal is to have a well-rounded child, exposed to a wide range of experiences. This fits with our goals for our child as well.

    We are constantly in awe as to how proud Gabriel seems to be of his school. This speaks to the atmosphere and the culture that is created by his teachers and all the staff... and this is priceless.

    ...Sue Gonsalves, Gabriel's Mom

    Pratt BoysWe have had the pleasure of having three of our sons attend the Northstar Montessori Private School program over the past 6 years. In that time, we have seen a consistent approach in treating each of our children as their own person, with a focus on their individualized strengths, a strong dedication to improving the areas they find challenging, and a caring pedagogical focus. The Directresses and Assistants are skilled at recognizing individual areas of interest, and fostering that interest to translate into personal and academic growth and development, while maintaining the importance of group activities and social interaction.

    We have experienced the education system outside the Montessori Method and can safely say that Northstar provides our children with a stellar academic advantage. However, the most impressive part is how they provide this academic excellence with a focus on the individual strengths of the students. Our sons have vast differences in their learning speed and styles; Northstar’s staff has done a well-above-average job at recognizing the learning needs of each child and fostering their particular academic and social development.

    Montessori education has helped to form our sons into the caring, attuned, respectful and motivated students they are today and we are excited to embark on the Montessori journey with our last child in September.

    ...Dawn and Jason Pratt

    Our daughter has been a student of Northstar since she was 18 months and she is now 9 years old. We are blessed with a bright, funny and studious child who loves to learn. We have been thrilled with her accomplishments at the school and know that it is her attitude coupled with the supportive staff that has made her so successful.

    We did try a different learning environment for her at the start of grade 4 and became quickly aware of the positive and exciting learning opportunities that Northstar offers. Our daughter missed her teacher and the “always learning something new” (as she put it) environment of Northstar. While she easily grasped the routines of the new class and thoroughly understood the academic requirements, our daughter was clearly bored and there was a shift in her attitude toward school. And for us this was a turning point. While we appreciate and feel blessed with her academic abilities, we pride ourselves on our child’s willingness and readiness to learn and approach new experiences with confidence and curiosity.

    We have returned to Northstar, and true to the Montessori curriculum our daughter was able to pick up where she left off and she has moved forward without difficulty; most importantly her love for school and learning has continued.

    ...Nav G. (3 daughters)

    It is with great pleasure for me to submit my testimonial concerning my daughter’s attendance at Northstar Montessori from 2008-2012.

    My daughter Monique was privileged to be a student of Northstar Montessori up to 2012. During that period, because of the understanding and nurturing attitude of the teachers, Monique became more self-confident, independent and always looked forward to attending school daily. It is to be noted that Northstar is a very disciplined and at the same time an Educational Learning Centre. It is not about Race, Sex or Gender, but it is about equal treatment and opportunity for each and every student.

    I can rightfully say, it is a place where every Creed, Gender and Race find an equal place. Northstar brings out the best in every student and it is the ideal school for one’s child overall development. It assist in developing our young people, thus creating wee-rounded adults. When their term ends, our children’s skills that they would have acquired at Northstar usually make them stand out above the rest. The principal, vice-principal and the entire Northstar staff should be very proud the students they put out for tomorrow’s world.

    Thank you all so much for the head start you all have given to my daughter Monique M.

    ...Berea C.M.

    Our son has been attending Northstar Montessori since the Toddler Summer Camp program. Even within the first few weeks of enrolling, we saw that he was becoming more independent and improving his social skills. He is now in the Casa program, and we've seen so many positive changes in him, whether it be educational or social. There have been many challenges along the way, but the teachers and staff have been more than helpful and have tackled each issue in a professional and nurturing manner. The teachers take the time to talk to the parents on how to work together to make the most of the child's Montessori experience. We love the experience that our son is getting at Northstar and believe that he is on the right path to success.

    ...Helen Rei-Kabigting

    My son is a Casa student and has been a part of Northstar’s family since Toddler. His level of development today is so beyond any expectation I have as a parent for my 4-year-old – he corrects me when I (intentionally) recite the continents wrong!

    Northstar provides a curriculum and offers extra-curricular activities both within such a broad spectrum that my son has been exposed to so many things and which otherwise would be challenging for a working parent to expose to their children to at the frequency that Northstar can afford. For examples: teaching the planets of the universe; how to cut with scissors; karate, swimming, Monkeynastics (gymnastics) all in the same year and during school hours and in the supervision of and planned by the Northstar staff; trips to the waterpark, the farm or the Toronto Post Office). Northstar’s curriculum and wide spectrum of extra-curricular activities sets their students up for success in becoming a more well-rounded student and, more so, outside of school, they are more knowledgeable about so many things around them (in the real world) that we (parents and in some cases, siblings), take for granted.

    The staff at Northstar are as if each were selectively hand-picked for their specific roles in the school. I can say that my son has 1 specific trait or memory that he remembers each of his teachers for. He will remember one teacher for a certain song he learned; another teacher because she sits with him at lunch; and another teacher for a pet she keeps in the classroom. The teachers are: #1 – caring; #2 – thoughtful; #3 – patient. They know each and every one of their students and they treat them with all the care in the world. They respect the needs of the parents and respect that each parent has different levels of expectations.

    It is so easy to trust that my son is in a good place with good people and that he is developing, learning and growing, in Northstar Montessori.

    ...Gladice Sarmiento

    Northstar has been a great school for both our children, Jerica and Nathaniel. As I write this message, we have been at Northstar for over five years. Having been exposed to other Montessori Schools, Northstar in our experience is by far the best Monstessori School in the Mississauga area. The program offers a good balance of academics, practical learning, extra-curricluar, field visits and core values. We wish Northstar the very best as it strives to deliver excellence toward shaping the future!

    ...Glem & Vinitha

    As a parent of two children who have had the privilege of attending Northstar Montessori for several years, I couldn't be happier with their development. I can say with certainty that Northstar played the leading role in shaping them into the intelligent, independent and conscientious students that they have blossomed into. The teachers and administration are competent and skilled in their craft and a warm and nurturing atmosphere resonates within the school. As I look back and weigh my decision to choose Northstar as the building blocks in my children's educational journey, I can rest assured that this decision will pay dividends for years to come.

    ...Ahsan Zaidi

    It’s been a fabulous 4 years as we sadly say goodbye due to moving out of the city. Northstar Montessori is a great school with excellent teachers, spacious facilities and a very welcoming family-friendly environment.

    I will really miss the teachers who have shown so much patience, love and dedication towards their students, going well beyond their role as educators. The facilities are second to none, especially when compared to other Montessori’s in Mississauga.

    All of this has helped contribute to my kids, not only excelling academically for their age, but also helping them become smart, independent and respectful children. As a family we have had a wonderful experience and have always said with pride, ‘Our kids are at Northstar’.

    Thank you so much for everything and I really wish we could have stayed on. Keep up the wonderful work!

    ...Ramanjit G., Casa & Toddler mom

    Northstar Montessori is more than a school, it is a family. Our children have been with Northstar for nine years and not only are they being taught a higher level of education, but they are learning in a nourishing environment filled with love and care. The staff is very friendly, approachable, and co-operative with parents to better fulfill the needs of each child. We are truly pleased with the quality of our children's education, but even more so with how happy they are at school and with the wonderful individuals they are becoming because of it.

    ...N. De Jesus

    As our journey at Northstar comes to an end, I wanted to thank each and every one of you on behalf of my family. Over the past 6 years, your continued hard work and excellence has made a great positive impact in my daughters’ life and my family’s experience at Norhtstar. You have been supportive and professional at each and every step of the way and have provided a lot more than just academics to Yalda and Tara. Thanks for making this journey as pleasant as it has been.

    Wishing you a great summer and continued success!

    As I look back and remember all the kindness, joy, professionalism and passion, I have nothing but admiration and gratitude towards your excellent team. Collectively, you have made Northstar a living example of excellence. Our girls and we have nothing but fond memories from all of you... As our journeys in life take different paths, I would add to Fara's sentiment... and wish you all the happiness and success that you fully deserve. We would miss you all terribly. You are now part of our family, and hold a special place in our hearts...

    ...Azari Family

    Our daughter Samantha has been attending Northstar Montessorri for 5 years. Northstar has been an enormously positive experience on Samantha's education and is largely responsible for her love of learning. Northstar not only emphasizes academic performance but also social interaction, with a strong sense of community. Samantha's personality and perception of those around her have been profoundly influenced by the Montessorri teaching method. Northstar has allowed Samantha to learn and grow to her full potential and I absolutely recommend without reservation, Northstar Montessori for anyone looking for a first class education for their child.

    ...Joanne and Bob

    What is more important for parents than a good learning institute for their young ones, and we consider our self extremely lucky to have found Northstar Montessori School for our son Mikail. The great thing about this learning institute is its amazing staff who is always keen and genuinely interested in providing their best care to the kids around. They really treat our kids as their kids. We as parents believe that Northstar is blessed with loving, caring and outstanding group of people who love what they do and this is what makes us feel so good about the whole experience. Thank you to each and every person associated with this exemplary institute in helping groom our kid's future and most importantly the future of our dear homeland Canada!

    ...Mr. & Mrs. Syed

    We have really loved having Marcus at Northstar. All of the staff have been welcoming, supportive and encouraging to Marcus, which is so important for us. We have seen him grow and develop into a young boy we are both very proud of. He speaks very highly of his teachers, who have all made a big impact on him and his progression over the last 1.5 years.

    We would recommend Northstar for any family looking for a school they can feel confident having their child at.

    ...Thanks, Emily

    Tomorrow (Feb-27-2014) is our daughter Diya Swaroop's ( CASA 3) last day at Northstar. We are temporarily relocating to Amsterdam, Netherlands for a job assignment.

    Northstar is Diya's first school experience or rather first time outside of our care. Although she attended school for just 6 months, it has been fun learning experience for her. We would like to thank each one of you for contributing to her emotional , cultural and academic growth and overall making it a positive and enriching journey for her. She walked into the school on the first day with lots of excitement and a big smile on her face and continued to do that every single day she attended school after that.

    Special thanks to Mrs.Shah, Mrs.Scott & Ms Resendes for all your love, patience and support in guiding her in the right direction and making her first school experience an extremely positive one.

    Our best wishes to the school and each one of you for your future endeavours.

    We will miss Northstar Montessori School.

    Warm Regards,

    ...Vidhya & Swaroop

    Aleeyah Samuels - A Northstar GraduateSubject: Aleeyah Samuels (Graduate of Northstar Montessori)
    Sent: Jul 20, 2014 7:15 PM
    From: Aleeyah Samuels
    To: Northstar Montessori

    Good Evening Mrs. Ramirez,

    I hope that all is well with you and your family. I just wanted to extend my thanks and gratitude for the education that Northstar Montessori provided me with, as well as the preparation that I received prior to going to the school I graduated from this past June.

    The school I attended following Northstar, from Grade 7 to Grade 12, is called Holy Name of Mary College School (HNMCS). Throughout my years at HNMCS, I maintained an average of 80% and higher. In other words, I was on the Honour Roll every year, which I believe is as a result of my primary education from Northstar.

    In a respect of my marks, community service, and extra curricular activities, I was accepted to all four universities that I applied to (all with entrance scholarships). I applied to: Laurier, Western, McMaster, and Guelph. I will be attending the University of Guelph in September. The program that I applied to is: "Criminal Justice and Public Policy". After my four years, I would be receiving a Bachelor of Arts from completion of this program. My hope is to eventually have a career in law, specializing in child advocacy.

    Moreover, I found that the education I received at Northstar to be very fulfilling. I always enjoy sharing my experience from my northstar days with my family, friends, and classmates. When asked about my experiences at Northstar Montessori, I'm one to recommend all that it has to offer.

    Many of the skills and lessons, that I learned at Northstar Montessori, have been instrumental in my development as a young lady. Whether it be: cursive writing, social skills, independent studies, the value of community, or virtues found in The Virtue Tree and lessons learned from The Northstar Pledge.

    Furthermore, as the Grade 6 Valedictorian of Northstar, I feel proud and privileged to have represented the school then and now. I will always remember the wonderful people I met, like you, and the lessons I learned at Northstar Montessori. Please extend my best wishes to the staff, faculty, and supporters. Don't hesitate to stay in touch.

    Much Appreciated,
    Aleeyah Samuels

    Laila-and-NoahMy daughter has been at Northstar since she was 2 years old and started in the Toddler Program. She is now in the final year of the Casa Program and my son has taken her place in the Toddler Room. I can’t say enough about how Northstar has gone above and beyond to ensure their success. The school takes an individual approach to each student, recognizing that each child learns in their own way and at their own pace. My daughter has excelled in this non competitive environment and is outperforming her circle of peers who are older than her in the public system. She has a love for learning and truly enjoys working with the Montessori materials. The Casa Program does a great job of ensuring that the students really understand what they are learning. The Toddler and Pre Casa Programs are both nurturing and educational and truly set the stage for learning at the higher levels. My son at just a year and a half has shown great independence as well as the ability to follow direction and play well in a group setting. The school has done a great job of balancing both the social and academic needs of the child which in my opinion is key to their success.


    Hello Northstar,

    I just wanted to drop a quick note of hello. Marek is doing very well at his new school, St. James.

    He has a few complaints though. "It's too easy", "There's too much recess ... just when I sit down to do something, it's time to go back outside again", "There's no homework" (actually mom and dad are complaining about that one), and "I miss my friends at Northstar".

    We really appreciated everything Marek got from Northstar. His academic level in math and French in particular are outstanding. We do really miss it, but we still are pleased benefits we are having as a family by being closer to his new school, and still it is a good school for the public system.

    He was asking me if I knew if he would be getting a Year Book from last year, so that's what prompted me to drop you a note. He keeps his previous 2 year books handy and looks at them often.

    Thanks again, and looking forward to crossing paths many times.

    ...Lorraine Cytowski, Marek's mom

    Hi Mrs Figueiredo, Mrs Velasco & Mrs Linet,

    Just a quick email to thank you guys so much for caring for Julius.

    In the past month or so I have noticed a huge change in Julius, he is now saying over 100 words when he comes home, even though they are not clear.

    I am so pleased with his progress. I always encouraged him to be independent, and You three have done such an outstanding job with him as well.

    He comes home singing all of the songs you guys sing in the class, he tells me all his friends name and what he ate for lunch. He is now fully putting together sentences and it surprises me on how much he has changed since he started school. When Julius first started school in the summer the transition wasn't easy.

    I was afraid he was going to cry for months! Day by day Julius took one step at a time and he is now fully adjusted, and he loves coming to school! He adjusted quicker then I ever imagined.

    I just wanted to take this time to thank you three for all of your hard work with Julius. It has truly made a difference.

    ...Julius' Mom

    My little boy George is in the toddler program with Mrs. Figueiredo, Mrs. Velasco and Mrs.Linet. They have done an excellent job to help my little George become more independent. We are really excited to see all the progress George made in only 3 months. He stopped crying and enjoyed school after month 1. He can eat by himself, put on his own shoes and tidy up the toys after month 2. I still remember the day he cleaned up all the toys on the floor and told me Mom is tired and he should help. I’m so moved and I can feel he’s learning to become a great person. And now, after 3 months, he knows so many English words/sentences and can sing his favorite Choo Choo songs all in English. Since we only speak Mandarin at home, it’s a big surprise he learned so much in such a short period. I can imagine how much hard work all the teachers have done to George and we really appreciate it. Now with George in Northstar, we all know he’s safe, happy and learning new things. Many thanks to Mrs. Figueiredo, Mrs. Velasco and Mrs. Linet, you are the best teachers ever!

    ...Amanda (George's mom)

    From the time our son, Mayavan, started in September, he has demonstrated solid progress in his language, cognitive and social skills. He is able to communicate in sentences, articulate himself better and engage better with his classmates. He has become more independent and shows the willingness to do things on his own. We deeply appreciate the excellent instruction and care from his toddler teachers in the classroom. They nurture his curiosity and we appreciate all of the updates and feedback on his progress we get from them.

    ...Sanj and Varna


    I wanted to share our experience that we have had as a family with the toddler program at Northstar Montessori.

    All three of the toddler teachers are exceptional at what they do. They are very calm, patient, engaging, and communicative.

    We have seen a tremendous change in our son from the day he started until now. He is more focused, his speech has progressed, he is more confident in social environments and he has become more independent with various tasks.

    We are grateful that our son was able to obtain a spot in the toddler program and he was able to thrive through the teachers nurturing teaching abilities.

    Thank you for everything you do. It was a very positive school year.

    ...Ali and Meena Lukmanji


    Prior to enrolling my son in Northstar we had visited many other Montessori programs. Northstar stood out in that it is like an actual school with many classrooms. The school felt safe and welcoming. He joined the Casa program and the teachers were great. They were supportive to both our son and ourselves. They would reach out to us over the phone to discuss any concerns we had. Our son became very independent and learned many concepts. The school’s French and gym programs are really good as well. I recommend the Northstar program as it provides an enriching and safe environment with wonderful teachers.

    ...Balprit and Mandeep Badwal

    Did You Know?

    Many famous people have studied at a Montessori school, ie. Larry Page and Sergey Brin (founder of Google), Jeffrey Bezos (founder of Amazon), Prince William and Prince Harry (English royal family), Katharine Graham (Owner/Editor of the Washington Post), Julia Child (famous chef), etc...

    What Other People Said...

    "What is more important for parents than a good learning institute for their young ones, and we consider our self extremely lucky to have found Northstar Montessori School for our son Mikail. The great thing about this learning institute is its amazing staff who is always keen and genuinely interested in providing their best care to the kids around. They really treat our kids as their kids. We as parents believe that Northstar is blessed with loving, caring and outstanding group of people who love what they do and this is what makes us feel so good about the whole experience. Thank you to each and every person associated with this exemplary institute in helping groom our kid's future and most importantly the future of our dear homeland Canada!" - Mr. & Mrs. Syed


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    About Us

    Celebrating our 27th Anniversary!

    We, at Northstar Montessori, take very seriously our responsibility to guide your child through a world of discovery on the path to constructing a secure, balanced personality with an active, competent mind. The happy balance of freedom to explore and work within a prepared, orderly environment, filled with specially designed mind-engaging sensorial materials and activities, is the hallmark of the Montessori learning environment. The art of the directress is to respect the freedom of each child to forge his own unique path of learning and growth energized by his natural curiosity; but vigilant to inspire and encourage each child to take in hand a rich enough wealth of activities and experiences to ensure successful development. At Northstar Montessori, our directresses are dedicated to guiding your child in the right direction!

    Northstar Montessori Private School Inc.

    4900 Tomken Road
    Mississauga, Ontario
    CANADA L4W 1J8

    Tel: 905-890-7827
    Fax: 905-890-6771


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